Functions Problems

Table - Consumer

ord_no      purch_amt   ord_date    consumer_id  salesman_id
----------  ----------  ----------  -----------  -----------
70001       150.5       2012-10-05  3005         5002
70009       270.65      2012-09-10  3001         5005
70002       65.26       2012-10-05  3002         5001
70004       110.5       2012-08-17  3009         5003
70007       948.5       2012-09-10  3005         5002
70005       2400.6      2012-07-27  3007         5001
70008       5760        2012-09-10  3002         5001
70010       1983.43     2012-10-10  3004         5006
70003       2480.4      2012-10-10  3009         5003
70012       250.45      2012-06-27  3008         5002
70011       75.29       2012-08-17  3003         5007
70013       3045.6      2012-04-25  3002         5001
  1. Write a SQL statement to find the total purchase amount of all orders.

  2. Write a SQL statement to find the average purchase amount of all orders.

  3. Write a SQL statement know how many consumer have listed their names.

  4. Write a SQL statement find the number of consumers who gets at least a gradation for his/her performance.

  5. Write a SQL statement to get the minimum purchase amount of all the orders.

  6. Write a SQL statement to get the maximum purchase amount of all the orders.

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